CP Command Prompt Windows 7 Not Recognized

Answer :

By default, there's no cp in Windows Command Prompt (cmd.exe). The equivalent cmd.exe command is copy. cp is a Unix command.

If you can use PowerShell instead, which should come pre-installed in modern Windows systems, you can use cp and some other Unix commands directly in it.

If PowerShell isn't an alternative, you can use cp directly in Windows Command Prompt if you install Cygwin.

Moreover, Cygwin also includes the rsync command, which has many more features than cp, and might be preferable if you're not just copying a single file (e.g. for backup purposes).

it is a unix/linux command. Download the cygwin package from cygwin.com


There's a way to do run cp without cygwin and powershell and without admin rights.

Download the respective package (CoreUtils) from the Gnu-Win32 package repository.

You need the zipped binaries and the zipped dependencies.
Unpack, and copy bin from deps to bin from coreutils.

Now add the bin folder to the path environment variable (system or user, depending on if you're admin or not), and open a new console. Type cp, and you'll see standard cp command output.


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