'adb' Is Not Recognized As An Internal Or External Command, Operable Program Or Batch File

Answer :

Set the path of adb into System Variables. You can find adb in "ADT Bundle/sdk/platform-tools" Set the path and restart the cmd n then try again.


You can also goto the dir where adb.exe is located and do the same thing if you don't wanna set the PATH.

If you wanna see all the paths, just do

echo %PATH% 

From Android Studio 1.3, the ADB location is at:


Now add this location to the end of PATH of environment variables. Eg:


If you want to use it every time add the path of adb to your system variables: enter to cmd (command prompt) and write the following:

echo %PATH% 

this command will show you what it was before you will add adb path

setx PATH "%PATH%;C:\Program Files\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools" 

be careful the path that you want to add if it contains double quote

after you restart your cmd rewrite:

echo %PATH% 

you will find that the path is added

PS: if you just want to add the path to cmd just to this session you can use:

set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools 


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