Implementation A Stack Using Singly Linked List Complexity Code Example

Example: implement stack using link list in c

#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0  struct node {     int data;     struct node *next; }; typedef struct node node;  node *top;  void initialize() {     top = NULL; }  void push(int value) {     node *tmp;     tmp = malloc(sizeof(node));     tmp -> data = value;     tmp -> next = top;     top = tmp; }  int pop() {     node *tmp;     int n;     tmp = top;     n = tmp->data;     top = top->next;     free(tmp);     return n; }  int Top() {     return top->data; }  int isempty() {     return top==NULL; }  void display(node *head) {     if(head == NULL)     {         printf("NULL\n");     }     else     {         printf("%d\n", head -> data);         display(head->next);     } }  int main() {     initialize();     push(10);     push(20);     push(30);     printf("The top is %d\n",Top());     pop();     printf("The top after pop is %d\n",Top());     display(top);     return 0; }


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