
Showing posts from July, 2020

CSS Multiple Classes Property Override

Answer : As long as the selectors have the same specificity (in this case they do) and .myclass-right style block is defined after .myclass , yes. Edit to expand: the order the classes appear in the html element has no effect, the only thing that matters is the specificity of the selector and the order in which the selectors appear in the style sheet. Using !important is one way to do it. .myclass-right{ float:right !important; } In addition if you are more specific with your selector it should override as well div.myclass-right{ float:right; } Just wanted to throw out another option in addition to !important as well as style definition order: you can chain the two together as well: .myclass.myclass-right{float:right;} .myclass{float:left;}

Convert JavaScript Object Into URI-encoded String

Answer : Please look closely at both answers I provide here to determine which fits you best. Answer 1: Likely what you need: Readies a JSON to be used in a URL as a single argument, for later decoding. jsfiddle encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify({"test1":"val1","test2":"val2"}))+"<div>"); Result: %7B%22test%22%3A%22val1%22%2C%22test2%22%3A%22val2%22%7D For those who just want a function to do it: function jsonToURI(json){ return encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(json)); } function uriToJSON(urijson){ return JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(urijson)); } Answer 2: Uses a JSON as a source of key value pairs for x-www-form-urlencoded output. jsfiddle // This should probably only be used if all JSON elements are strings function xwwwfurlenc(srcjson){ if(typeof srcjson !== "object") if(typeof console !== "undefined"){ console.log("\"srcjson\" is not a JSON object"); ret...

Converting EBNF To BNF

Answer : See this page. It contains instructions for each production that needs to be converted: From EBNF to BNF For building parsers (especially bottom-up) a BNF grammar is often better, than EBNF. But it's easy to convert an EBNF Grammar to BNF: Convert every repetition { E } to a fresh non-terminal X and add X = ε | X E. Convert every option [ E ] to a fresh non-terminal X and add X = ε | E. (We can convert X = A [ E ] B. to X = A E B | A B. ) Convert every group ( E ) to a fresh non-terminal X and add X = E. We can even do away with alternatives by having several productions with the same non-terminal. X = E | E'. becomes X = E. X = E'.

Can USOShared Log Files Be Deleted?

Answer : ETL stands for Event Trace Log file which is created by Microsoft Tracelog, a program that creates logs using the events from the kernel in Microsoft operating systems. It contains trace messages that have been generated during trace sessions, such as disk accesses or page faults. ETL files are used to log high-frequency events while tracking the performance of an operating system. Microsoft Windows records application and system-level warnings, errors, or other events to these binary files called the event trace logs, which can then be used to troubleshoot potential problems. To answer your query, you may delete these files and deleting will not affect anything on your system. The abnormal part is why do you have so many of them. If you cannot remember having turned on tracing in some part of Windows, it will take real detective work to find it out.

Access Part Of Duple Python Code Example

Example: make a tuple of any object in python # tuple repitition works like this print ( ( 'Hi!' , ) * 4 ) # output: ('Hi!', 'Hi!', 'Hi!', 'Hi!')

How To Go To The Next Line In Github Readme Code Example

Example: Markdown new line Hello ( < -- two spaces ) World

Adjusting The Xcode IPhone Simulator Scale And Size

Answer : With Xcode 9 - Simulator, you can pick & drag any corner of simulator to resize it and set according to your requirement. Look at this snapshot. Note: With Xcode 9.1+, Simulator scale options are changed. Keyboard short-keys : According to Xcode 9.1+ Physical Size ⌘ 1 command + 1 Pixel Accurate ⌘ 2 command + 2 According to Xcode 9 50% Scale ⌘ 1 command + 1 100% Scale ⌘ 2 command + 2 200% Scale ⌘ 3 command + 3 Simulator scale options from Xcode Menu : Xcode 9.1+: Menubar ▶ Window ▶ "Here, options available change simulator scale" ( Physical Size & Pixel Accurate ) Pixel Accurate : Resizes your simulator to actual (Physical) device's pixels, if your mac system display screen size (pixel) supports that much high resolution, else this option will remain disabled. Tip : rotate simulator ( ⌘ + ← or ⌘ + → ), if Pixel Accurate is disabled. It may be ena...

Using Unityengine.input System Code Example

Example 1: unity controller input float moveSpeed = 10 ; //Define the speed at which the object moves. float horizontalInput = Input . GetAxis ( "Horizontal" ) ; //Get the value of the Horizontal input axis. float verticalInput = Input . GetAxis ( "Vertical" ) ; //Get the value of the Vertical input axis. transform . Translate ( new Vector3 ( horizontalInput , 0 , verticalInput ) * moveSpeed * Time . deltaTime ) ; //Move the object to XYZ coordinates defined as horizontalInput, 0, and verticalInput respectively. Example 2: unity input system not working //add this somewhere in your script //PlayerControls is the Input action script PlayerControls controls ; private void Awake ( ) { controls = new PlayerControls ( ) ; } private void OnEnable ( ) { if ( usingController ) { controls . Gameplay . Enable ( ) ; } } private void OnDisable ( ) { if ( usingController ) { controls . Gameplay . Disable ...

Css Tricks Flex Code Example

Example 1: css flexbox syntax Display : flex Flex-direction : row | row-reverse | column | column-reverse align-self : flex-start | flex-end | center | baseline | stretch justify-content : start | center | space-between | space-around | space-evenly Example 2: css flex /* Flex */ .anyclass { display : flex ; } /* row is the Default, if you want to change choose */ .anyclass { display : flex ; flex-direction : row | row-reverse | column | column-reverse ; } .anyclass { /* Alignment along the main axis */ justify-content : flex-start | flex-end | center | space-between | space-around | space-evenly | start | end | left | right ... + safe | unsafe ; } Example 3: flex: syntex flex : none /* value 'none' case */ flex : < 'flex-grow' > /* One value syntax, variation 1 */ flex : < 'flex-basis' > /* One value syntax, varia...
Example: c language tutorial # include <stdio.h> int main ( ) { /* my first program in C */ printf ( "Hello, World! \n" ) ; return 0 ; }

Adding Password To .ssh/config

Answer : Solution 1: No, There is no method to specify or provide on the command line the password in a non-interactive manner for ssh authentication using a openssh built-in mechanism. At least not one what I know of. You could hardcode your password into expect script but it is not a good solution either. You definitely would want to use keypairs for passwordless authentication as Michael stated, in the end private key is pretty much a big password in the file. Solution 2: To avoid the string of comments: Yes, this is insecure (not even arguably insecure). I would strongly recommend you only do it in a lab situation on an isolated network or a similiar situation that does not involve production servers or potentientially production server without a full reset/format. I wanted to set this up as I don't think my 2950 switch supports private/public keys and I hope at some point to get that knowledge, but I am not there yet. Using an alias and sshpass this can be acc...

Not(:first-child):hover Css Code Example

Example: other children than first css div ul :nth-child ( n + 2 ) { background-color : #900 ; }

Coursera Login With Organization Code Example

Example 1: Coursera Coursera is a world-wide online learning platform founded in 2012 by Stanford University's computer science professors Andrew Ng and Daphne Koller that offers massive open online courses, specializations, degrees, professional and mastertrack courses. Example 2: Coursera welcome to heaven!! take a look, you can learn loads of things!!

Android - How To Filter Emoji (emoticons) From A String?

Answer : Emojis can be found in the following ranges ( source ) : U+2190 to U+21FF U+2600 to U+26FF U+2700 to U+27BF U+3000 to U+303F U+1F300 to U+1F64F U+1F680 to U+1F6FF You can use this line in your script to filter them all at once: text.replace("/[\u2190-\u21FF]|[\u2600-\u26FF]|[\u2700-\u27BF]|[\u3000-\u303F]|[\u1F300-\u1F64F]|[\u1F680-\u1F6FF]/g", ""); Latest emoji data can be found here: There is a folder named with emoji version. As app developers a good idea is to use latest version available. When You look inside a folder, You'll see text files in it. You should check emoji-data.txt. It contains all standard emoji codes. There are a lot of small symbol code ranges for emoji. Best support will be to check all these in Your app. Some people ask why there are 5 digit codes when we can only specify 4 after \u. Well these are codes made from surrogate pairs. Usually 2 symbols are used to encode one...

Bot Telegram Python Tutorial Code Example

Example: telegram bot python import telepot from telepot . loop import MessageLoop def handle ( msg ) : content_type , chat_type , chat_id = telepot . glance ( msg ) print ( content_type , chat_type , chat_id ) bot = telepot . Bot ( "INSERT TOKEN HERE" ) bot . message_loop ( handle )

Android Studio Rendering Problems

Answer : Change your android version on your designer preview into your current version depend on your Manifest. rendering problem caused your designer preview used higher API level than your current android API level. Adjust with your current API Level. If the API level isn't in the list, you'll need to install it via the SDK Manager. In new update android studio 2.2 facing rendering issue then follow this steps. I fixed it - in styles.xml file I changed "Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar" to "Base.Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar" It's some kind of hack I came across a long time ago to solve similar rendering problems in previous Android Studio versions. Open AndroidManifest.xml Change: android:theme="@style/AppTheme" to something like: android:theme="@style/Theme.AppCompat.Light" Hit "refresh" button in the "Previev" tab.

Can I Replace Groups In Java Regex?

Answer : Use $n (where n is a digit) to refer to captured subsequences in replaceFirst(...) . I'm assuming you wanted to replace the first group with the literal string "number" and the second group with the value of the first group. Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(\\d)(.*)(\\d)"); String input = "6 example input 4"; Matcher m = p.matcher(input); if (m.find()) { // replace first number with "number" and second number with the first String output = m.replaceFirst("number $3$1"); // number 46 } Consider (\D+) for the second group instead of (.*) . * is a greedy matcher, and will at first consume the last digit. The matcher will then have to backtrack when it realizes the final (\d) has nothing to match, before it can match to the final digit. You could use Matcher#start(group) and Matcher#end(group) to build a generic replacement method: public static String replaceGroup(String regex, String source, int groupT...

Textarea Autosize Resize None Code Example

Example 1: how to restrict user from resize textarea textarea { resize : none ; } Example 2: textarea disable resize <textarea style= "resize: none;" ></textarea>